Sep 12, 2017 6:32 PM

st. croix

Certified Polo Instructor Robin Sanchez recently hosted a polo clinic at Ameritina Polo Farm, home of the St. Croix Polo Club, in Baldwin, Wisconsin.

“This was my second time having the honor to work with Robin and she did not disappoint!” said St. Croix Polo Club member, Linda Chacholiades. “Robin is a stellar clinician; down to earth, easy to talk to, and able to address everyone’s polo questions both on and off the field. She is an engaging speaker and her love of polo and horsemanship is clearly evident.”

Over the course of the weekend Sanchez worked with long time members of the club as well as hosted a beginner’s clinic. She worked one on one with several club members to address specific questions regarding swing mechanics and horsemanship.

Image of polo players at St. croix

The “Chalk Talk” portion was full of important information for players at any level. Sanchez explained penalties and game strategy, how to be effective during knock-ins, and positioning on the field to facilitate successful team play. “She explained strategies with clear and vivid imagery, often using metaphors to further enhance player understanding,” said Chacholiades. “What impresses me the most with Robin is her ability to explain the process of any given topic within polo. If you ask a question, she answers fully and without hesitation. She has ‘been there – done that’ and understands the traps that newer players often fall into and was able to give us tips on how to avoid common fouls of the game.”

Image of polo players for the St. Croix clinic

During coaching chukkers, Sanchez was able to give all players attention in order to address their strengths and weaknesses and offer solutions. Participants not only played, but also devoted time towards penalty shots in order for everyone to practice their hitting. “What a treat for us to be able to benefit from her expertise!” exclaimed Chacholiades. “By the second day, our entire club had improved tremendously and were playing much more streamlined, communicating with each other more effectively, and better avoiding the dreaded fouls. She took the time to blow the whistle and talk us through many plays; she told us what was good, not good, and offered clarification of how to better react during each specific play.”

“I personally had many horsemanship questions and Robin has now worked with me and two of my horses specifically to address our needs,” recounted Chacholiades. “I am truly grateful for her wisdom since all guidance she offered to me was spot on and time with my horses always improves after listening to Robin’s advice.” St. Croix Polo Club is already looking forward to the next time Robin Sanchez is available to visit.