Apr 11, 2023 7:54 PM

Kelli Newton competing in the 2022 Pacific Coast Arena League (PCAL) at OC Polo Club in Silverado, California. ©Josh Kizziar
Kelli Newton competing in the 2022 Pacific Coast Arena League (PCAL) at OC Polo Club in Silverado, California. ©Josh Kizziar

The Pacific Coast Arena League (PCAL) is headed into its twelfth season in 2023 following a successful 2022 season which included six USPA arena tournaments in addition to regular PCAL play.

PCAL will have three flights with different goal levels as they have in the past. All three flights will play matches both Saturday and Sunday. For 2023 the flights and goal levels will be as follows:

C Flight: -3 to -2 goal (two chukker matches)
B Flight: 0-2 goal
A Flight 3-5 goal

Lakeside's Garrett Bankhead impresses with the mallet. ©Jim Bremner
Lakeside's Garrett Bankhead carries the ball in the air down the arena. ©Jim Bremner

What’s new for 2023?
Patton Legacy Sports has joined forces with PCAL as the sponsor of the Pacific Coast Circuit General George S. Patton Cup that will be played again this year in conjunction with each PCAL event and location.

Michelle Strauss, Chairman of Patton Legacy Sports (PLS), commented, "Patton Polo is honored to sponsor PCAL's General Patton tournaments for 2023. This innovative polo competition series is an inspiring concept, one that aids in building the future of the sport by engaging young competitors with more options for tournaments and opens more opportunity for mentorship."

Regarding the awards that PLS will be sponsoring during PCAL, Strauss added, "The Patton Principles Award honors accountability and leadership. To observe, lead and execute, in person, what you ask others to do. We have read about the fire and ice that was General Patton, but he was also a profound military scholar, which transitioned into an exceptional military leader. The Patton Principles award will go to the player that best exemplifies athleticism, courage, camaraderie, strategy and self-discipline during PCAL competition."

PLS will also be honoring horses in the competition with the Sgt. Reckless Award. Sgt Reckless was a horse and a marine that served in the Korean War. She is buried at Camp Pendelton. "As an experienced equestrian, General Patton understood the connection between a rider and his horse. There is no doubt he would have respected Sgt. Reckless and recognized her for her unique ability to serve. We are pleased to offer the Sgt Reckless Award to the best pony that shows dedication to perform and flexibility to adapt to its rider."

PCAL competition at Poway Polo Club in Poway, California. ©Jim Bremner
PCAL competition at Poway Polo Club in Poway, California. ©Jim Bremner

“With Southern California’s military population and nearby bases, holding the Pacific Coast Circuit General S. Patton Cup during PCAL is a natural fit,” said Sherry Sheldon Gibson of Poway Polo Club. “Poway and the other PCAL clubs have a long history of supporting members of the armed forces and their families in the sport of polo.”

6-9 goal test matches will take place on Friday evenings at each location prior to regular PCAL play.

“We have so many 2-, 3- and 4-goal players looking to raise their handicaps and the level of play in the area. A lot of I/I alumni and solid players,” says Lakeside Polo Club’s Nicole Bankhead. “The 6-9 goal will give those players an opportunity for faster games before the upcoming U.S. Arena Open Polo Championship at California Polo Club [Los Angeles, California] later this year.”

Lakeside's Kim Foy. ©Jim Bremner
Lakeside's Kim Foy. ©Jim Bremner


May 5-7: Lakeside Polo Club (Lakeside, California)
May 19-21: OC Polo Club (Silverado, California)
June 23-25: Poway Polo Club (Poway, California)

For more information, please email You can also follow PCAL on Facebook PCAL - Pacific Coast Arena League | Facebook.