Jan 15, 2024 6:28 PM

At just 20 years old, Hope Arellano has achieved a remarkable milestone in polo: she is the first American player to win the prestigious Women's Argentine Open.
At just 20 years old, Hope Arellano has achieved a remarkable milestone in polo: she is the first American player to win the prestigious Women's Argentine Open.

At just 20 years old, Hope Arellano* has achieved a remarkable milestone in polo: she is the first American player to win the prestigious Women's Argentine Open. Having just been promoted to a 10-goal handicap in December, Arellano's triumph in this tournament is a significant moment not only for her career but also for American polo. Playing for El Overo Z7 UAE alongside Izzy Parsons, Hazel Jackson and Milly Hine, Arellano was instrumental in their victory over La Dolfina with a score of 17-14, contributing three goals in the final match.

Last year, representing La Irenita, Arellano faced El Overo in the semifinals and ultimately lost the final against La Dolfina. This year's victory was even more notable as they defeated La Dolfina, the reigning champions from 2021 and 2022. This marked the first loss for La Dolfina's star lineup (Mia Cambiaso, Candelaria Fernandez Araujo, Milagros Fernandez Araujo and Nina Clarkin) in the tournament.

“I've dreamed of this so many times, I still can't believe it! It's also incredible for me to play with these teammates and win the Open.”  – Hope Arellano on becoming the first American to win the Women's Argentine Open

Accompanied in Palermo by her parents Julio and Meghan and her brother Lucas, Arellano's success is a proud moment for her family. This win is a significant achievement for U.S. polo, reflecting the growing prominence of women in the sport.

Playing for La Fe earlier in 2023, Arellano also clinched the U.S. Open Women's Polo Championship, the most important women's tournament in the United States. Her accolades from the Women's Argentine Open include the Revelation of the Tournament Award, the Cria Polo Argentino Best Playing Pony with Don Ercole Cruz de Malta and the Duthie & Dollie Award for Best Mounted of the final.

2023 Women's Argentine Open Champions: El Overo Z7 UAE - Hope Arellano, Izzy Parsons, Hazel Jackson, Millie Hine.
2023 Women's Argentine Open Champions: El Overo Z7 UAE - Hope Arellano, Izzy Parsons, Hazel Jackson, Milly Hine.

Hope, how many times have you dreamed of this?
“I've dreamed of this so many times, I still can't believe it! It's also incredible for me to play with these teammates and win the Open, it's a complete dream.”

Plus, you're the first American to win this tournament; what does that mean to you?
“It's an immense joy, a dream come true!”

El Overo Z7 UAE's Hope Arellano and La Dolfina's Candelaria Fernández Araujo.
El Overo Z7 UAE's Hope Arellano and La Dolfina's Candelaria Fernández Araujo.

The Open started when you were 13 years old, what did you think at that time?
“When it was first played, I was already thinking that I would want to play it someday. We came to the Open with great desire and have been preparing for a long time. I've been playing a lot with Hazel in the United States and Argentina, and that helped a lot. I also played last year with Izzy for La Irenita. Hazel, Izzy, and Milly are great teammates and today we were lucky to win.”

You also beat La Dolfina by many goals, did you expect that difference?
“Honestly, no. It felt very tough on the field, we felt like we were only one goal ahead. At no point did I think they couldn't win it, it seemed to me that at any moment they could get back into the game. I think that ultimately worked out well for us because it served to keep pushing and give our all until the end.”

“You're always watching Palermo and dreaming of being able to play on this historic field, and I'm very happy to have been able to play here and to have won.”  – Hope Arellano on playing the historic fields at Palermo

You played in Palermo again, how did you feel?
“Yes, I was lucky enough to play in the Argentine Open final last year and the Nations Cup in 2021. It's always special to be able to play here. When you're a girl, you're always watching Palermo and dreaming of being able to play on this historic field, and I'm very happy to have been able to play here and to have won.”

Can you tell us about the horses you played with this season and any special acknowledgments you would like to make?
“The horses played amazing this season for me! Matias Magrini has a great organization and I’m very grateful to him for allowing me to be a part of it! Santino* and [Kristos] Keko* passed me some of their horses for the finals as well! I’m very grateful to all of them!”

Arellano and Hazel Jackson will team up once more for La Fe to defend their U.S. Open Women's Polo Championship title.
Arellano and Hazel Jackson will team up once more for La Fe to defend their U.S. Open Women's Polo Championship title.

What are your plans for the upcoming U.S. Open Women’s Polo Championship, and are there any teams you're particularly looking forward to playing with?
“I will be playing with La Fe again this year in the U.S. Open alongside Hazel again! La Fe is one of my favorite teams to play on so I’m very excited!”

After such a successful season, what's next for you? Do you have any immediate plans for a break or training?
“I’m going back home [Aiken, South Carolina] for 10 days then to Wellington to start my Winter season!”

*Hope Arellano and Kristos "Keko" Magrini are Active Team USPA Members. Santino Magrini is Team USPA alumnus. Team USPA is a USPA program designed to enhance and grow the sport of polo in the United States by identifying young, talented American players and providing mentored training and playing opportunities leading to a pool of higher rated amateur and pro players and the resultant giveback to the sport of polo.

All photos courtesy of ©CLICKPOLO:Guadalupe Aizaga.