Aug 19, 2024 11:26 PM

Circuit Governor Logo.

The USPA is pleased to announce the results of the 2024 Circuit Governor Election. The Association sincerely appreciates the candidates and Member Clubs for their participation. The results are as follows:

Central Circuit: Megan West-Koll
Eastern Circuit:
Lezlie Hiner*
Florida Circuit:
Stephen Orthwein Jr.*
Great Plains Circuit:
Mike Carney
Hawaiian Islands Circuit: Allen Hoe
Midstates Circuit:
Austin Chandler
Northeastern Circuit:
David Strouss
Pacific Coast Circuit:
Tim Kelly
Pacific Northwest Circuit: Sheryl Sick
Southeastern Circuit:
Billy Raab
Southwestern Circuit:
Steven Armour

The above Circuit Governors will be installed on Saturday, October 12. Please reach out to Lindsey Ebersbach, USPA Director of Governance and Operations at lebersbach@uspolo.org with any questions or concerns.

*For purposes of the Circuit Governor elections, two things are required. First, in order for the election to be valid, votes representing at least a majority of the total number of votes entitled to be cast by all Delegates within a Circuit must be received. Second, in order for a candidate to be elected, that candidate must receive votes representing at least a majority of the total number of votes entitled to be cast by all Delegates in the relevant Circuit. (To be clear, this means that in order to win a Circuit Governor election, a candidate must obtain a majority of all votes entitled to be cast in the Circuit, rather than a majority of all votes actually cast.)

Because the above two requirements were not satisfied in the Eastern Circuit or the Florida Circuit, Article V, Section 3, Paragraph C of the USPA Constitution requires that, “the Chairman of the Association . . . select an individual to serve as Circuit Governor of such Circuit, subject to approval of the then current Board of Governors.” Following the close of voting, Chairman Armstrong selected Lezlie Hiner (the Eastern Circuit candidate who obtained the most votes) to serve as Circuit Governor of the Eastern Circuit and Stephen Orthwein Jr. (the only candidate in the Florida Circuit) to serve as Circuit Governor of the Florida Circuit. The current USPA Board of Governors approved those selections in a Special Board Meeting held by zoom on Tuesday, August 20.