Intercollegiate / Interscholastic

I/I Clinic Support


Up to $2000 in reimbursable funds are available for your club to host a clinic for your Intercollegiate team. The clinic should be aimed at the varsity level/competing members first. These funds are not intended to support a beginner or introduction polo clinic, though if space and time allows, all are welcome. All participants must be USPA Members. All requests require committee approval before funds are awarded. Details of the event and clinician will need to be completed in the application. Teams will also be required to submit a brief presentation to I/I staff outlining the specifics of their club (see outline below). Funds may be used to cover the clinician fees and their travel expenses. Funds may not be used for your own coach to hold a practice, horse rental, arena fee, etc. Funds are limited. Deadline to request a clinic is October 1. These funds are for the use between August 1 and December 31, 2024. Reimbursement requests must be submitted by January 5.


  1. Contact a clinician of your choice, set up a date and discuss fees
  2. Apply for the IC Clinic Support
  3. Schedule a time to present to USPA I/I staff*
  4. Get approved!
  5. Schedule your clinic
  6. Have your clinic
  7. Pay your clinician
  8. Submit your invoice to the USPA (by January 5, 2024)
  9. Get Reimbursed

*Presentation to include the following

Slide 1: Team Organization and Structure

  • Ie: Varsity Sport, Club Sport
  • USPA Member Club or hosted by a USPA Member Club
  • Board/Leadership Structure
  • Membership structure – varsity, jv, exercise team, etc.
  • How are you bringing people in? Lesson structure/etc.

Slide 2: Horses/Arena/Coach

  • Owned/leased/borrowed
  • How you track horses exercise/practice/game schedule
  • How you track vaccines/shoeing/dental/veterinary work
  • Are students responsible for feeding
  • Facility Details
  • Volunteer/Paid Coach/Manager

Slide 3: Budget Structure

  • Ie: What is the dues structure
  • How do you pay for things
  • Expenses/Income

Slide 4: Fundraising

Slide 5: Recruiting

Slide 6: Community & Alumni relations

Slide 7: Where does your club need help?