May 23, 2017 6:26 PM

Chris collins

Launched in 2016, the Team USPA Executive Training Program was created in an effort to remedy a major issue that the sport of polo faces—a lack of sponsor development. Many young players are forced to take a hiatus in their polo playing to develop careers outside of polo in order to generate a stable income. They then return to the sport much later in life.

Jesse Weaver is the volunteer spearheading the Team USPA Executive Training Program. “I see too many 2-4 goal players leave the sport to pursue other careers and too many clubs and sponsors who could learn from those players," said Weaver. "The goal of the Team USPA Executive Training program is twofold; to help Team USPA members make the transition out of being a full-time pro and to benefit local clubs. The club gets a seasoned polo player, who in turn receives business experience and the opportunity to play affordably, everybody wins. We’re bringing back the 4-goal amateur.”

Many players involved in Team USPA have pursued very successful careers while keeping the sport alive in their everyday lives. Over the past few weeks we have highlighted Team USPA members and alums who are excelling in both their business careers as well as on the polo field. The strong foundation that comes from being a competitive polo player and member of Team USPA member translates well into any avenue of work. Team USPA is consistently identifying and fostering exceptional talent, including alum Chris Collins. Read about his experiences below.

Chris collins

Current Occupation:
“In 2010, I was selected to participate in the inaugural class of Team USPA. I played professionally for many years in the United States and internationally before moving back to San Diego, California, and starting a career in finance. I am currently pursuing a career in commercial real estate finance. The company I work with is Holliday Fenoglio Fowler LP (HFF), which is a full service capital markets firm. As an Associate Director, my position entails the origination of debt and equity for private and institutional commercial real estate investors around the country. My focus is multi-housing, retail and mobile home parks.”

Lessons learned from Team USPA:
“Throughout my transition from full-time polo to real estate finance, there are many lessons I have learned that directly translate to my current career. One of the key lessons I’ve learned and truly emphasized while participating in the Team USPA program, is how to be a team player. In 2011, I had the honor of playing for the United States in the Federation of International Polo World Cup in San Luis, Argentina. After months of training in Palm Beach, Florida, playing donated horses, we put our skills to the test in the qualifying matches at Casa De Campo in the Dominican Republic. We drew our string of horses and were assigned a time to view the string and briefly ride each horse. Once we had all ridden the horses and collected our notes, we met and discussed each horse’s strengths and weaknesses, and who would ultimately get the most out of each horse. The selflessness that was displayed in that meeting and determination by each teammate to put the best team on the field really set the stage for our success and ultimate win in the qualifying final against Canada. Being a team player has allowed me to surround myself with like-minded individuals that strive to have the best team on the field. This idea is something I apply in my professional career and encourage others to do too.

Over the years in the polo world I have also learned and I strongly believe, if you work hard, show up on time, never stop learning, network and stick to your word, you will be a successful person in life. Polo has allowed me to travel to many exotic locations and create friendships with wonderful people around the world. This is a wonderful community and I’m grateful to be a part of it.”

Chris collins

What is your current involvement in the sport today/continued support for the program:
“Over the past few years my ability to play polo has been limited to summers in San Diego, California. This year I will make up one of four pros, coaching new players and assisting in building an interscholastic team at San Diego Surf Polo Club in Del Mar, California. In this way, I hope to be able to contribute new players to the Team USPA program in the future and look forward to helping those already involved in Team USPA with career advice through the Executive Training Program. I have been fortunate enough to be a part of this community and I’m very excited to share my passion and love for the horses and game with others.”

The mission of the Team USPA Executive Training Program is to aid players who are pursuing a career outside of polo through job opportunities, mentorships and club access that also allows them to stay involved with the sport. The program benefits Member Clubs by providing access to quality players, while also continuing to develop talented athletes throughout their professional careers. Team USPA aims to further expand the program to enable players to be placed in an executive training environment that is relevant to their desired career focus. Team USPA is seeking more mentors who feel they would benefit from a Team USPA player at their club in return for an internship position. If you are interested in providing a Team USPA member with an internship opportunity, please contact Amanda Snow, Director of Player Development for a list of available players and resumes.